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Progetto POR Calabria 2014-2020 VEROCOST “Valutazione dell’impatto Economico dell’eROsione COSTiera”


In ottemperanza ai nuovi obblighi di trasparenza nel sistema delle erogazioni pubbliche, statuiti dall’art. 1, co. 125-129, Legge 04/08/2017, n. 124, si dà atto che, nel corso dell’esercizio chiuso al 31/12/2021, la Società ha ricevuto sovvenzioni, contributi e comunque vantaggi economici di qualunque genere, aventi natura di liberalità, da parte di Pubbliche Amministrazioni o da soggetti assimilati, di cui al primo periodo del comma 125, dell’art. 1, della L. 124/2017, come di seguito riportato:

Dati identificativi del Soggetto erogante

(Ragione/Denominazione sociale, Indirizzo, C.F.)

Somma/valore dell’erogazione liberale Causale
n. 1

Cittadella Regionale-Viale Europa, Località Germaneto 88100-Catanzaro

CF: 022053407930

€ 48.324,13

data incasso 31.12.2021

Avviso pubblico 122 Banco R&S Progetto Verocost Cup J58c17000180006-Erogazione Contributi a Saldo.


Progetto PON 2007-2013 SIGIEC “Sistema di Gestione Integrato per l’Erosione Costiera”

Progetto PON 2007-2013 AMICUS “Studio della riduzione degli inquinamenti e della salvaguardia in ambiente costiero in aree selezionate della Calabria”



Dominici R., Larosa S., Viscomi A., Mao L., De Rosa R. & Cianflone G. (2020). Yield erosion sediment (YES): a PyQGIS plug-in for the sediments production calculation based on the erosion potential method. Geosciences 10, 324; doi:10.3390/geosciences10080324.

Lupiano V., Calidonna C., Avolio E., Larosa S., Cianflone G., Viscomi A., De Rosa R., Dominici R., Alberico I., Pelosi N., Lirer F., Di gregorio S. (2020). Final Sediment Outcome from Meteorological Flood Events: A Multi-modelling Approach. In Y. D. Sergeyev and D. E. Kvasov (Eds.): Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms. Springer Nature Switzerland.

Ferraro F., Agosta F., Prasad M., Vinciguerra S., Violay M., Giorgioni M. (2020). Pore space properties in carbonate fault rocks of peninsular Italy. Journal of Structural Geology 130, 103913.


Vespasiano G., Cianflone G., Romanazzi A., Apollaro C., Dominici R., Polemio M. & De Rosa R. (2019). A multidisciplinary approach for sustainable management of a complex coastal plain: the case of Sibari Plain (Southern Italy). Marine and Petroleum Geology 109, 740-759.

Costanzo A., Cipriani M., Feely M., Cianflone G. & Dominici R. (2019). Messinian twinned selenite from the Catanzaro Trough, Calabria, Southern Italy: field, petrographic and fluid inclusion perspectives. Carbonates and Evaporites, 34 (3), 743–756.

Cannata C. B., De Rosa R., Donato P., Donato S., Lanzafame G., Mancini L. and Houghton B. F. (2019). First 3D imaging characterization of Pele’s hair from Kilauea volcano (Hawaii). Scientific Reports – Nature. 9, 1711.

Ferrraro F., Agosta F., Ukar E., Grieco D.S., Belviso C., Cavalcante F., Prosser G. (2019). Structural diagenesis of carbonate fault rocks”. Pubblicato sul Journal of Structural Geology 122, 58-80.

Ferraro F., Koutalonis I., Vallianatos F., Agosta F.  (2019). Application of Non-Extensive Statistical Physics on the particle size distribution in natural carbonate fault rocks”. Pubblicato su Tectonophysics 771, 228219.


Notaro P., Cianflone G., Fontan D. & Dematteis A. (2018). The importance of the geological reference model in the civil engineering projects: the example of Piscopio I tunnel (Southern Italy). Geoingegneria Ambientale e Mineraria, Anno LV, n.3, 76-84

Vardè M., Servidio A., Vespasiano G., Pasti L., Cavazzini A., Di Traglia M., Rosselli A., Cofone F., Apollaro C., Cairns W. R.L.; Scalabrin E., De Rosa R., Procopio A. (2018). Ultra-trace determination of total mercury in Italian bottled natural mineral waters by dual gold amalgamation Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry. Chemosphere. 219: 896-913

Vespasiano G., Notaro P. & Cianflone G. (2018). Water-mortar interaction in a tunnel located in the Southern Calabria (Southern Italy). Environmental and Engineering Geoscience 24 (3), 305-315.

Cianflone G., Cavuoto G., Punzo M., Dominici R., Sonnino M., Di Fiore V., Pelosi N., Tarallo D., Lirer F., Marsella E., Critelli S. & De Rosa R. (2018). Late quaternary stratigraphic setting of the Sibari Plain (southern Italy): Hydrogeological implications. Marine and Petroleum Geology 97, 422–436.

Cianflone G., Tolomei C., Brunori C.A., Monna S. & Dominici R. (2018).  Landslides and subsidence assessment in the Crati Valley (Southern Italy) using InSAR data. Geosciences,  8(2), 67. doi:10.3390/geosciences8020067

Caruso C. & Cianflone G. (2018). La tomba a camera brettia di Tiriolo. Analisi litologiche sui reperti e contesto geologico dell’area di rinvenimento. In: De Sensi Sestito G. Mancuso S. (Eds), Enotri e Brettii in Magna Grecia, Modi e forme di interazione culturale, Vol.II tomo 2, pp. 538-548. Rubbettino Editore.

Ferrraro F., Grieco D.S., Agosta F., Prosser G. (2018). Space-time evolution of cataclasis in carbonate fault zones”. Pubblicato sul Journal of Structural Geology 110, 45-64.


Gallo L., Corapi A., Apollaro C., Vespasiano G. & Lucadamo L. (2017). Effect of the interaction between transplants of the epiphytic lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea L. (Zopf) and rainfall on the variation of element concentrations associated with the water-soluble part of atmospheric depositions. Atmospheric Pollution Research. doi.org/10.1016/j.apr.2017.03.002


Apollaro C., Barca D., Bloise A., Critelli T., De Rosa R., Miriello D., & Vespasiano G. (2016). Reaction path modeling as a tool to investigate the water rock interaction in a crystalline aquifer in the Sila massif (Calabria). Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., Suppl. n. 1 al Vol. 40.

Punzo M., Lanciano C., Tarallo D., Bianco F., Cavuoto G., De Rosa R., Di Fiore V., Cianflone G., Dominici R., Iavarone M., Lirer F., Pelosi N., Ludeno G., Natale A. & Marsella E. (2016). Application of X-Band Wave Radar for coastal dynamic analysis: case test of Bagnara Calabra (south Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy). Journal of Sensors, Article ID 6236925, doi:10.1155/2016/6236925.

Vespasiano G., Cianflone G., Cannata C.B., Apollaro C., Dominici R. & De Rosa R. (2016). Analysis of groundwater pollution in the Sant’Eufemia Plain (Calabria – South Italy). Italian Journal of Engineering Geology and Environment. DOI: 10.4408/IJEGE.2016-02.O-01

Apollaro C., Vespasiano G., Muto F., De Rosa R., Barca D. & Marini L. (2016). Use of mean residence time of water, flowrate, and equilibrium temperature indicated by water geothermometers to rank geothermal resources. Application to the thermal water circuits of Northern Calabria. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.  328, 147–158.

Cannata C. B., Cianflone G., Vespasiano G. & De Rosa R. (2016). Preliminary analysis of sediments pollution of the coastal sector between Crotone and Strongoli (Calabria – southern Italy). Rend. Online. Soc. Geol. It., Vol. 38, pp. 17-20.

Perri F., Dominici R., Le Pera E., Chiocci F.L., Martorelli E. (2016). Holocene sediments of the Messina Strait (southern Italy): relationships between source area and depositional basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology 77, 553-566

Perri F., Caracciolo L., Cavalcante F., Corrado S., Critelli S., Muto F., Dominici R. (2016). Sedimentary and thermal evolution of the Eocene-Oligocene mudrocks from the southwestern Thrace Basin (NE Greece). Basin Research 28(3), 319-339.

Vespasiano G., Marini L., Apollaro C. and De Rosa R. (2016). Preliminary geochemical characterization of the thermal waters of Caronte SPA springs (Calabria, South Italy). Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It.  39, 138-141

Vespasiano G. & Apollaro C. (2016). Preliminary geochemical characterization of a carbonate aquifer: the case of Pollino massif (Calabria, South Italy). Rend. Online. Soc. Geol. It., Vol. 38, pp. 109-112


Critelli T., Vespasiano G., Apollaro C., Muto F., Marini L. & De Rosa R. (2015). Hydrogeochemical study of an ophiolitic aquifer: a case study of Lago (Southern Italy, Calabria). Environmental Earth Sciences. 74, 533-543

Critelli T., Apollaro C., Vespasiano G.  & De Rosa R. (2015). Geochemical modeling as a tool to investigate the release and fate of Cr in the ophilitic aquifers of Northern Calabria (S-Italy). Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It. – Vol. 33, pp. 28-30

Lucadamo L., Corapi A., Loppi S., De Rosa R., Barca D., Vespasiano G., Gallo L. (2015). Spatial patterns of element accumulation in thalli of the lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf transplanted in and around an industrial area of S Italy. Environmental Pollution. (DOI) 10.1007/s00244-015-0238-4

Apollaro C., Vespasiano G., De Rosa R. & Marini L. (2015). Use of mean residence time and flowrate of thermal waters to evaluate the volume of reservoir water contributing to the natural discharge and the related geothermal reservoir volume. Application to Northern Thailand hot springs. Geothermics 58 62–74

Vespasiano G., Apollaro C., De Rosa R., Muto F., Larosa S., Fiebig J., Mulch A., Marini L. (2015). The Small Spring Method (SSM) for the definition of stable isotope – elevation relationships in Northern Calabria (Southern Italy). Applied Geochemistry. 63, 333-346.

Cannata C.B. (2015). Out-door air monitoring in Crotone and Strongoli cities. Rend. Online. Soc.Geol. It., Vol. 38, pp. 13-16.

Vespasiano G., Apollaro C., Marini L., Dominici R., Cianflone G., Romanazzi A., Polemio M. and De Rosa R. (2015). Hydrogeological and isotopic study of the multi-aquifer system of the Sibari Plain (Calabria, Southern Italy). Rendiconti online della Società Geologica Italiana 39, 134-137.

Cianflone G., Tolomei C., Brunori C.A., Dominici R. (2015). InSAR time series analysis of natural and anthropogenic coastal plain subsidence: the case of Sibari (Southern Italy). Remote Sensing, 7, 16004–16023; doi:10.3390/rs71215812

Cianflone G., Dominici R., Viscomi A. (2015). Potential recharge estimation of the Sibari Plain aquifers (southern Italy) through a new GIS procedure. Geographia Technica 10 (1), 8-18.

Vespasiano G., Apollaro C., Muto F., De Rosa R., Critelli T. (2015). Preliminary geochemical and geological characterization of the thermal site of Spezzano Albanese (Calabria, South Italy). Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It. – Vol. 33, pp. 108-110

Vespasiano G., Apollaro C., Muto F., De Rosa R., Dotsika E., Marini L. (2015). Preliminary geochemical characterization of the warm waters of the Grotta delle Ninfe near Cerchiara di Calabria (South Italy). Rend. Online. Soc. Geol. It., 39, 130-133

Cianflone G., Tolomei C., Brunori C.A. & Dominici R. (2015). Preliminary study of the surface ground displacements in the Crati Valley (Calabria) by means of InSAR data. Rendiconti online della Società Geologica Italiana 33, 20-23.

Cianflone G., Tolomei C. & Brunori C.A. & Dominici R. (2015). Study of the ground subsidences in the Sibari Plain (Southern Italy) detected by InSAR data analysis. Rendiconti online della Società Geologica Italiana 33, 24-27.

Murgese D., Marchisio D., Notaro P., Vigna R. (2015). Broad gauge rail link between Sivok in West Bengal and Rangpo in the state of Sikkim with future connectivity to Gangtok (Sikkim)—shallow-landslide susceptibility map. Engineering Geology for Society and Territory ,Vol. 2: Landslide Processes, pp. 979-983.

Perri F., Critelli S., Dominici R., Muto F., Ponte M. (2015). Sourceland controls and dispersal pathways of Holocene muds from boreholes of the Ionian Basin, Calabria, southern Italy. Geological Magazine 152(6), 957-972.

Vacca C., Dominici R. (2015). Preliminary considerations on the application of the Gavrilović method in GIS environment for the calculation of sediment produced by the catchment area of the Stilaro Fiumara (Calabria south-east). Rendiconti Online Societa Geologica Italiana 33, 104-107.

Auddino M., Dominici R., Viscomi A. (2015). Evaluation of yield sediment in the Sfalassà Fiumara (southwestern, Calabria) by using Gavrilović method in GIS enviroment. Rendiconti Online Societa Geologica Italiana 33, 3-7.

Perri F., Dominici R., Critelli S. (2015). Stratigraphy, composition and provenance of argillaceous marls from the Calcare di Base Formation, Rossano Basin (northeastern Calabria). Geological Magazine 152(2), 193-209.

La Loggia G., Aristodemo F., Ciraolo G., Freni G., Greco M., Innocenti I., Mannina G., Maradei G., Napoli E., Noto L.V., Paoletti A., Sanfilippo U., Veltri P., Verbeni B., Viviani G. (2015). Modellazione della qualita’ delle acque nei ricettori in tempo di pioggia” del libro “acque di prima pioggia nei sistemi di fognatura. Capitolo 5 in: Manuale di progettazione, a cura di C. Ciaponi, S. Papiri, U. Sanfilippo, S. Todeschini. Milano: Hoepli, pp. 163-296. ISBN 978-88-203-6322-2.


Vespasiano G., Apollaro C., Muto F., Dotsika E., De Rosa R., Marini L. (2014). Chemical and isotopic characteristics of the warm and cold waters of the Luigiane Spa near Guardia Piemontese (Calabria, Italy) in a complex faulted geological framework. Applied Geochemistry, 41, 73-88.

 Cannata C.B.,  Taddeucci J.,  Lautze N., De Rosa R., Donato P., Scarlato P. G. (2014). Ash features from ordinary activity at Stromboli volcano. International Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 5.

Maradei G.,Veltri P.,Fiorini Morosini A., Verbeni B. (2014). Laboratory study on the open channel flow reaeration: a dimensional approach.  Urban Water Journal,1-10.

Cianflone G. (2014). Modificazione del Modello Geologico di Riferimento e delle scelte progettuali durante la perforazione della galleria Piscopio I, Calabria. Workshop IAEG – Giornata sull’Engineering Geology in Italia, 4 luglio 2014, Milano.

Romanazzi A., De Rosa R., Apollaro C., Cianflone G., Dominici R., Vespasiano G., Molinari P. & Polemio M. (2014). Temporal evolution of a coastal aquifer in presence of seawater intrusion: the case of Sibari Plain (Southern Italy). International Association of Hydrogeologists IAH, the Moroccan Chapter – 41st IAH International Congress “Groundwater: Challenges and Strategies” – Marrakech, September 15-19, 2014.

Riella A., Vendramini M., Eusebio A., Rabbi E., Notaro P., Spanò M., Grandis D., Fassone A. (2014). The development of the Geological Reference Model for some key infrasctutural project in Indian Himalaya. Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences (Special Volume) eds., proceedings for the 29th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop, Lucca, Italy.


Caruso C., Ceravolo R., Cianflone G., Dominici R. & Sonnino M. (2013). Sedimentology and ichnology of Plio-Pleistocene marine to continental deposits in Broglio (Trebisacce, northern ionian Calabria, Italy). Journ. Med. Earth Sc.  S.I., 21-24.

Caruso C., Cianflone G., Dominici R., Sonnino M. & Veltri M. (2013). Continental to marine deposits of the Stilo-Capo d’Orlando Formation (Oligo-Miocene) in the area of Agnana Calabra (southern ionian Calabria, Italy) inferred from sedimentological and ichnological data. Journ. Med. Earth Sc. S.I., 27-29.

Lieto S., Bertini F., Aiello V., Lo Bue S., Sale S., Segato D., Notaro P., Scarpelli M. (2013). Galleria Piscopio I (CZ) – importanza del metodo osservazionale nello scavo in condizioni geo-strutturali complesse di difficile previsione. 3° Convegno IAGIG, 10-11 Maggio 2013, Como.

Notaro P., Dematteis A., Dell’Orto V., Venturini G., Lieto S., Marazzita R., Vaccaro F., Gianvecchio P. Lavori di ammodernamento per la S.S. 106 “Ionica” (2013). Lo studio e la realizzazione del Megalotto 1 della S.S. 106 da Marina di Gioiosa Jonica ad Ardore. Strade & Autostrade, 1-2013

Giannico C., Ferretti A., Gianvecchio P., Campa E.,Venturini G., Notaro P., Fontan D. (2013). Il Telerilevamento Radar satellitare per il monitoraggio di gallerie stradali e autostradali. Atti Società Italiane Gallerie, Bologna, 17, 18 19 ottobre 2013, pp. 1032-1042


Lautze N. , Taddeucci J. , Andronico D. , Cannata C. B. , Tornetta L. , Scarlato P. , Houghton B., Lo Castro M. D. (2012). SEM-based methods for the analysis of basaltic ash from weak explosive activity at Etna in 2006 and the 2007 eruptive crisis at Stromboli. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Vol. 45-46, pp. 113-127;

Cannata C. B., De Rosa R., Houghton B.,Donato P., Nudo A. (2012). Pele’s hair: case studies from Kilauea volcano and Vulcanello (Aeolian Islands). Acta Vulcanologica, Vol. 24 (1-2), pp. 27-34.

Cannata C. B.,  De RosaR.,  Muto F.,  Davi’ M. (2012). The pyroclastic level of Amantea Basin (Coastal Chain, north-western Calabria). Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., Vol. 21, pp. 887-888.

Cianflone G., Dominici R., Sonnino M. (2012). Preliminary study of the primary and resedimented messinian facies of the Northeastern sector of Catanzaro Trough. Rendiconti online della Società Geologica Italiana 21 71-73.

Vespasiano G., Apollaro C., Muto F., De Rosa R. (2012). Geochemical and hydrogeological characterization of the metamorphic-serpentinitic multiaquifer of the Scala catchment, Amantea (Calabria, South Italy). Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It. 21, 879–880.

Costanzo A., McNulty E., Feely M., Lowenstein T., Dominici R., Melgarejo J.C. (2012). Evidence for microbial life in deep time: A geomicrobiological investigation using fluid inclusion studies. Rendiconti Online Societa Geologica Italiana 21, 1080-1082.

Perri F., Critelli S., Dominici R., Muto F., Tripodi V., Ceramicola S. (2012). Provenance and accommodation pathways of late Quaternary sediments in the deep-water northern Ionian Basin, southern Italy. Sedimentary Geology 280, 244-259.

Perri, F., Critelli, S., Cavalcante, F., Mongelli, G., Dominici, R., Sonnino, M., De Rosa, R. (2012). Provenance signatures for the Miocene volcaniclastic succession of the Tufiti di Tusa Formation, southern Apennines, Italy. Geological Magazine 149(3), 423-442.

Venturini G., Improta C., Martinetti S., Ajmone Cat M., Lieto S., Gianvecchio P., Notaro P., Segato D., Scarpelli G. (2012). SS 106 Route Nationale “Ionica”. Construction de 32 tunnels de grand diamètre dans des conditions géotechniques très difficiles. Proc. Montrèal TAC – Canadian Tunnelling Association 2012. Tunnels and Underground Spaces. Sustainability and Innovations, Paper 155


Cianflone G., Dominici R. (2011). Physical stratigraphy of the upper Miocene sedimentary succession in the northeastern Catanzaro Through (Central Calabria, Italy). Rendiconti online della Società Geologica Italiana 17, 63-69.

Veltri P., Maradei G., Verbeni B., Aristodemo F., Fiorini Morosini A. (2011). Manuale italo-brasiliano di progettazione “Sistemi di fognatura”. Cap. 16, ” Despejos em corpos hídricos receptores”, Milano: Hoepli. 2011. pp. 599-673.


De Ritis R., Dominici R., Ventura G., Nicolosi I., Chiappini M., Speranza F., De Rosa R., Donato P., Sonnino M. (2010). A buried volcano in the Calabrian Arc (Italy) revealed by high-resolution aeromagnetic data. Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth 115 (11), B11101.


Rebesco M., Neagu R.C., Cuppari A., Muto F., Accettella D., Dominici R., Cova A., Romano C., Caburlotto A. (2009). Morphobathymetric analysis and evidence of submarine mass movements in the western Gulf of Taranto (Calabria margin, Ionian Sea). International Journal of Earth Sciences 98(4), 791-805.

Veltri P., Maradei G., Fiorini Morosini A.,Verbeni B. (2009). Re-oxygenation process of stream waters: a new laboratory study based on dimensional analisys. In: Impact on receiving streams due to polluted urban runoff waters, csdu – Centro Studi Deflussi Urbani, 2009, pp. 1-1.

Iemmi C., Merlanti P., Notaro, P. (2009). Autostrada Salerno – Reggio Calabria- 5° macrolotto (DG/24). Storia progettuale e realizzativa della galleria Barriteri. Gallerie e Grandi Opere Sotterranee, n°92, dicembre 2009, p.p. 39-45.


De Rosa R., Dominici R., Donato P., Barca D. (2008). Widespread syn-eruptive volcaniclastic deposits in the Pleistocenic basins of South-Western Calabria. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 177(1), 155-169.

Barone M., Dominici R., Muto F., Critelli S. (2008). Detrital modes in a late Miocene wedge-top basin, northeastern Calabria, Italy: Compositional record of wedge-top partitioning. Journal of Sedimentary Research 78(10), 693-711.

Critelli S., Mongelli G., Perri F., Martín-Algarra A., Martín-Martín M., Perrone V., Dominici R., Sonnino M., Zaghloul M.N. (2008). Compositional and geochemical signatures for the sedimentary evolution of the middle triassic-lower jurassic continental redbeds from western-central mediterranean alpine chains. Journal of Geology 116(4), 375-386.

Veltri P., Maradei G. , Fiorini Morosini A. , Verbeni B. (2008). Analisi dimensionale e indagine sperimetale del fenomeno di riossigenazione delle correnti liquide. L’ ACQUA, 2008, Vol. 03, pp. 29-36.


Notaro P. (2007). Some remarks about the miocene-pliocene tectonics in the Amantea Basin, Calabria, S. Italy. Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana 126 (2),  283-289.

Barone M., Dominici R., Lugli S. (2007). Interpreting gypsarenites in the Rossano basin (Calabria, Italy): A contribution to the characterization of the Messinian salinity crisis in the Mediterranean. Special Paper of the Geological Society of America 420, 135-148.

Lugli S., Dominici R., Barone M., Costa E., Cavozzi C. (2007). Messinian halite and residual facies in the Crotone basin (Calabria, Italy). Geological Society Special Publication 285,169-178.


Veltri P., Fiorini Morosini A., Maradei G. (2005). Sulla riossigenazione dei corsi d’acqua a basso tirante idrico: indagine sperimentale. In: La tutela idraulica e ambientale dei territorio urbanizzati, Piro P., Paoletti A., Sanfilippo U. (a cura di), COSENZA: BIOS, 2005, Vol. Unico, pp. 363-390.


Calvari S., Crisci G.M., Di Gregorio S., Rongo R., Scarpelli M., Spataro W. (2003). Revisiting the 1669 etnean eruptive crisis using a cellular automata model and implications for volcanic hazard in the Catania area. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 123, 211-230.

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